Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Continuing Raw

I have searched the web, Googled raw food recipes, searched "You Tube" online videos on raw foodists & raw food recipes, checked out library books, recipe books, dvd's & videos from the library concerning raw food, & joined a raw food online support group.

I've tried many recipes & realized that raw food is sooo much easier than cooking food & takes less time. Of course, there is the dehydrating, but prep time is short. I can't cook, but raw cooking(which isn't cooking, cause it's raw, hehe:-)) is very easy. The recipes are sooo versatile. I can add or subtract ingredients as I'm making the food to my tastes & what I have on hand.

I am putting together my own recipe book, writing notes on the recipes that I made & will keep, throwing out the ones I don't like, but there are not many that I throw out, because I make them to my tastes & substitute ingredients that I have on hand. Like when a recipe says Macadamia nuts(which are $10 something a pound) I just use cashews instead, or sunflower seeds, or walnuts.

Some depression has surfaced which may be  part of mourning the dead food of my past, detoxing, my high blood pressure, PMS, or feelings of alienation, because I don't know any raw foodists & it's not something that most people do. Most people though are sick & don't eat what's the most healthy. So, as my raw journey continues, I believe it will get better & easier & I'll meet more people who want to make a change for the better, get back to the basics & eat what God has provided. Food, raw, natural, purer food, vibrant colors & tastes bringing life & healing to whoever changes their relationships exchanging processed, cooked food for God's natural, whole foods.

1 comment:

  1. I love all your information and recipes. and that no bake pie looks amazing. I look forward to seeing more. keep up the good work.
