Is the meat today the same as it's always been? The simple answer is no. Today we have unlabeled cloned meat. Hormones, antibiotics & factory NOT farmed meat for sale. The meat is also mixed with other things like other meats & ammonia & whatever else is unlabeled but added.
Do we have the right to know where our meat comes from, where it's raised, what it was fed, if it has ammonia or other items added & if it's cloned? If we knew then maybe we would want a better raised, non-cloned, non-sick, hormone & ammonia free piece of meat.
Most meat is fed corn, & most corn is genetically modified.
Ecoli is a serious concern. In the movie "Food Inc." it was mentioned that cows were designed to eat grass & herbs, they are herbivores & giving them corn is not as good for them & could cause ecoli. If you take the cows off their corn diet & put them back on grass then they'll shed the ecoli in their gut.
If you knew more about what was in what your eating then would you care?
I challenge everyone to ask the store, deli, restaurants, butchers, & everywhere else that sells meat where is it coming from? Then Google search it, check it out. Is it the quality you want & is it worth eating?
Most meat in the U.S. only is owned by a handful of companies producing it even though it has different labels & pictures on the package.
This may cause some people to look for alternatives or better quality, old fashioned meat. Know a farmer who does it right or shop at a health store that knows their meat. Don't just make a decision upon taste, be informed & spend your money on quality meat, you are worth it.
Glossary of Meat Production Methods CLICK HERE.
How to Meet Your Protein Needs without Meat CLICK HERE.
About the Issues CLICK HERE.
How Linda healed breast cancer naturally in 2005
10 years ago
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